  • HITS31
29. Canada

- Date and Venue: September 22, 2014 | Ottawa, Canada
- Signatories: Respective Ministers of the Korea Forest Service and the Canadian Forest Service
- Objective: Facilitating forestry cooperation, covering sustainable forest management, climate change, forest fire (wildfire) management, forest product trade, enhancement of the forest ecosystem for biodiversity conservation, forest recreation, and education.

- 1st Forestry Cooperative Committee (2014): Explored technology exchange for mass timber construction, collaborative research on large-scale forest fire prevention, information sharing on forest certification, joint research on forest carbon accounting, and drafting a work plan for collaborative efforts on forest issues.
- 2nd Forestry Cooperative Committee (2016): Discussed technology exchange for mass timber construction, quality labeling for wood products, collaborative research on forest carbon accounting, cooperation on forest fire management, natural resource management, and support for hosting the World Forestry Congress.
- 3rd Forestry Cooperative Committee (2018): Addressed issues such as quality labeling for wood products, collaboration on mass timber construction, forest carbon accounting, cooperative research on forest fire management (including wildfire and mountain weather), and the certification system on timber legality.
- 4th Forestry Cooperative Committee (2021): Discussed international forestry issues (World Forestry Congress, Peace Forest Initiative), policies, and code standards for high-rise timber construction, legal timber trade, quality labeling for wood products, forest fire management, and forest welfare.
- 5th Forestry Cooperative Committee (2023): Covered research on timber construction, wildfire response, climate adaptation and biodiversity in forestry, management of wild plant seed conservation, urban forests, and more.