Korea Forest Service ties the knot with the Indonesian Government

DATE : 2005-07-07

HITS : 784

Korea Forest Service ties the knot
with the Indonesian Government

July 6, 2005

Mr. Cho Yon-hwan, the Chief of Korea Forest Service is visiting Indonesia to head the Korean delegation for the 17th Korea-Indonesia Forestry Committee. On July 5, both sides agreed to pursue joint CDM projects for carbon sink.

Mr. Cho Yon-hwan, the Chief of Korea Forest Service is currently on a visit to Indonesia from July 3~9 to head the Korean delegation for the 17th Korea-Indonesia Forestry Committee. On July 5, both sides agreed to pursue joint CDM projects for carbon sink.

The Indonesian delegation led by Mr. Koes Saparjadi, the Director General of Forest Protection and Nature Conservation has agreed to explore the best ways to jointly develop CDM projects until the 18th Session. Both sides will appoint an expert as a contact point for the project to set an effective communication channel.

The mutual agreement provided a stepping stone for the Korean government to carry out the 10 year plan for carbon sink expansion and the framework plan for overseas plantation.

Aside from this, Joint Statement concerning Forest Fire Management was launched during the 17th Session to provide basis for future cooperation in this field including joint researches, information sharing, and fire prevention activities. Agreement was also made to develop an experiment forest in Kalimantan for tree improvement and nursery development.

Moreover, considerations were made to arrange partnership between the National Natural Recreation Forest Office of Korea and Indonesian Directorate of Area Conservation to promote active cooperation in eco-tourism.

With regards to this, broader cooperation in nature conservation activities will be implemented. The activities may include conservation expert exchange and construction projects of symbolic structures unique to each country. It is clear that such cooperation will greatly contribute to forest recreation extension and diversification in both countries, especially for Korea, now that the demands on nature and forest recreation are increasing due to the practice of the 5-day working week.

Forest cooperation with Indonesia has been kept on for the longest among the 8 bilateral forest partners of Korea. The first official forest cooperation with Indonesia is dated back to 1979 and both countries have maintained a close relationship ever since. Indonesia is significant not only to Korea but to the world as one of the most important sources of tropical timber.

The Korean government have provided USD 25.8 million of assistance for tsunami recovery and Korea Forest Service also separately donated USD 14 thousand through voluntary contribution from the employees.

The 17th Committee was able to output productive results. It is evident that the positive relationship with Indonesia will further progress.

Translated by Int'l Cooperation Division
☎ +82-42-481-4081 (Ms. Kang Hye-young)

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