Welcome to the forest recreation shelter for fostering the emotional well-being and health promotion of the citizens, together with nature.

Since its establishment in 2005 with 29 sites, the National Recreation Forest Management Office has gradually expanded nationwide, operating 45 national recreation forests visited by approximately 3.6 million citizens annually.

Recreation forests provide modern people, who are physically and mentally tired, rest and relaxation along with the forest. They serve as a 'haven of happiness" where citizens can enjoy various recreational activities in the forest such as relaxation, camping and leports.

The National Recreation Forest Management Office will contribute to improving the health and quality of life of citizens, and strive to operate as a 'happy recreation forest for citizens' where you can recreate safely and comfortably.

We promise to focus on the following four tasks and play a pioneering role in promoting recreation and culture in the forest:

Firstly, we will promote the addition and upgrading of facilities in national recreation forests that are tailored to local conditions and characteristics.

Secondly, we will provide citizens with high-quality forest recreation services.

Thirdly, we will actively participate in the industrialization of forest recreation in line with the trends of the times.

Fourthly, we will establish a service for recreation forests that ensures the safety of users and improves the management environment so that citizens can safely enjoy their activities in forest recreation facilities.

The National Recreation Forest Management Office will provide the best recreational services to citizens visiting recreation forests with consideration and respect, and continuously communicate with citizens in an open-minded manner.

Thank you.

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