• Mission

    To contribute to improving the health and quality of life of citizens by providing forest recreation services

  • Vision To become the leading office for providing the best recreation services in Korea, loved by all citizens
    1. 01 Core Values

      Recreational therapy, Customer satisfaction, Diversity

    2. 02 External Management Policy

      Citizen participation, Cooperation, Local symbiosis

    3. 03 Internal Management Policy

      Safety, Future value, Innovation

Business Goals
Enhance customer satisfaction through customer-oriented operation of the natural recreation forest
Establish institutional identity through the realization of social value
Improve management by streamlining the operation of the facility and administrative efficiency
Support healthy leisure activities for the public to promote vitality and increase happiness index
Lead regional economic activation and development of forest recreation industry
Expand the foundation of the recreation industry through job creation
Strengthen publicness through customized policies addressing social issues
Extend the benefits of forest welfare to vulnerable and marginalized groups
Strategic Directions
Establish a stable operational foundation and lead forest recreation culture
Provide tailored forest recreation services to meet diverse demands
Enhance customer satisfaction through high-quality forest recreation services
Improve brand value through rational and efficient management
Strategic Tasks
  • Develop and maintain operational infrastructure to enhance visitors' safety and convenience
  • Expand and maintain distinctive facilities to accommodate diverse recreational demands
  • Create synergy through collaboration and mutual growth to promote the development of local communities
  • Provide recreational services that meet national demand through specialized content development
  • Define customer strategies and integrate them with advertising activities through big data analysis
  • Establish facilities accessible to all citizens
  • Improve fiscal soundness through management rationalization
  • Strengthen professionalism and expand value through communication and innovation
Satisfaction survey
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