Gust of ''Green wind'' from Korea to take over the World

DATE : 2010-03-18

HITS : 3142

Gust of "Green wind" from Korea to take over the World 이미지1

Gust of "Green wind" from Korea to take over the World

H.E. Mr. Lee Sun-jin is appointed as the goodwill ambassador for global forest

On March 17, Korea Forest Service officially appointed H.E. Mr. Lee Sun-jin as the Goodwill Ambassador for Global Forests. H.E. Mr. Lee Sun-jin has served as the Ambassador of the ROK in Indonesia and is currently holding office as an associate professor at the Hanlim University.

While Mr. Lee was serving as the Ambassador of ROK to Indonesia, he greatly contributed to promoting forest resources development and mitigating climate change through diverse endeavors including the adoption of 0.5-million-ha forest investment scheme with the Government of Indonesia under the "MOU concerning the Investment in Forest Plantation and on A/R CDM in Indonesia". He is highly regarded as the leader who fully understands the concept of international forest cooperation and who could deliver the "green message" of Korea Forest Service to the people across the World.

As the Goodwill Ambassador for Global Forests, he noted to do the best in his power to spread the will and efforts of KFS on international forest cooperation.

In relation to fostering forest cooperation, KFS currently holds close bilateral partnership in the forestry sector with 11 countries including Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Paraguay, to support the Korean investors in related business operation overseas. KFS is also pursuing diverse endeavors for international forest cooperation including the establishment of AFoCO(Asian Forest Cooperation Organization), hosting of the 10th UNCCD-COP (Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention to Combat Desertification), and forest cooperation projects such as the Dry-Zone Greening Project in Central Myanmar, and rehabilitation projects in China and Mongolia.


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