Helping Neighborhoods

DATE : 2006-05-29

HITS : 901

Around the farming season, the Korea Forest Service(KFS) volunteers to help hectic farmers in the village with which KFS has set up sisterhood relationships.

On May 29, Mr. Suh Seung-jin, Chief of KFS along with KFS’s officials went to SinJeong-ri in Chungbuk Province and did voluntary work, such as mowing and other farming works.

KFS set up the sisterhood relationship with the village, Sinjeong-ri last March and has kept a close neighborhood relationship since then, volunteering twice a year in spring and autumn and supporting the projects of the mountain-village-development.

This year’s local election on 31st of May happens to fall on around the farming season. Consequently, most villages are short-handed. KFS’s purpose of the voluntary work is for giving hands to villages with a lack of hands.

International Cooperation Division

☎ 82-42-481-4172

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