Landslide damage drops significantly in 2012

DATE : 2012-10-22

HITS : 2258

Landslide damage drops significantly in 2012

The Korea Forest Service has wrapped up its first-ever comprehensive anti-erosion project for the summer monsoon season, which helped decrease landslide damage by 40 percent from last year.

The Headquarters for the Support of Landslide Prevention was organized in May on a five-month mission to monitor the areas prone to soil erosion and build erosion control facilities there.

The effort was initiated following last year’s deadly landslide on Mount Umyeon in southern Seoul, which killed 18 people and injured many others. A combination of heavy rain and blocked drains was blamed for the disaster.

Land area affected by landslides this year covered 492 ha, 69 percent of the average for the last 10 years (713 ha) or 60 percent of last year’s damage (824 ha). One person was killed by a landslide-related incident, compared to the 10-year average of 12 and 43 for last year.

The figures were particularly telling, considering the series of natural disasters that hit Korea in the past summer. Five typhoons swept the country, and the number of days with 100 mm or more of rainfall was 83, compared to the 10-year average of 54.

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