The Southern Regional Forest Management Office Set to Purchase Baekdu Daegan Mountain System Land

DATE : 2005-09-12

HITS : 750

The Southern Regional Forest Management Office Set to Purchase Baekdu Daegan Mountain System Land

With the government deciding to designate and conserve Baekdu Daegan Mountain System protection area of around 263,000 ha, the Southern Regional Forest Management Office is set to purchase private land, as well as forest land, included in Baekdu Daegan Mountain System protection area starting September 9.

Baekdu Daegan Mountain System protection area within the Southern Regional Forest Management Office reaches approximately 47,687 ha ; private land accounts for 13,245 ha.

Especially, as the Office plans to buy privately-owned forests, included in a park area, at appraisal prices, it is expected to be a rare opportunity for those whose disposition of their property rights has been limited so far.

Any holder that intends to sell his land is required to submit to either the Southern Regional Forest Management Office, or Yeongju or Gumi National Forest Management Office : a bill of approval for sale and a forest land cadastre transcript; a register transcript; a land registration map transcript; and a certified copy of national territory utilization plan.

The government shall designate and make public Baekdu Daegan Mountain System area on September 9 so as to protect the ecosystem, or natural scenery or forests, etc, within Baekdu Daegan Mountain System in accordance with the provisions of the Act on the Protection of Baekdu Daegan Mountain System.

Translated by International Cooperation Division
☎ +82-42-481-4081 (Ms. Kang Hye-young)

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