Holders of Foreign Nationality to be Subsidized by Forestry Policy Funds

DATE : 2005-10-06

HITS : 722

Holders of Foreign Nationality to be Subsidized by Forestry Policy Funds

Once they are confirmed to be engaged in domestic forest management, holders of foreign nationality will be granted forestry policy funds.

The Ombudsman of Korea decided that it would enable a Korean national holding German nationality who recently filed an objection to be subsidized by the Agriculture and Forestry Project Funds.

According to the Agriculture, Forestry, Maritime Affairs & Defense Team of the Ombudsman of Korea, its decision is attributed to the judgement that the forest cooperatives concerned may well determine as to whether they will provide support to applicants for forestry policy funds rather than disqualify them just due to their foreign nationality.

The person who filed an objection in connection with the case holds German nationality ; he was rejected after applying for forestry policy funds. Article 2 of the Basic Provisions on the Enforcement and Management of Agriculture and Forestry Project Funds stipulates that those who are engaged in farming, forestry, and production, among others shall be entitled to apply for agriculture and forestry project funds; holders of foreign nationality are not included in qualified applicants.

Accordingly, the Ombudsman of Korea came to a conclusion that it is appropriate to decide as to whether to grant forestry policy funds in view of the fact that the Act on the Immigration and Legal Standing of Foreign Compatriots stipulates that the forest cooperatives interested may subsidize foreign compatriots so that they would not be subject to unjust regulations or treatment.

Translated by International Cooperation Division

☎ +82-42-481-4081 (Ms. Kang Hye-young)

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