One-click service for all forest information

DATE : 2014-05-21

HITS : 2117

One-click service for all forest information 이미지1

One-click service for all forest information
- Korea Forestry Promotion Institute won the best prize

Forest owners need only one piece of information - forest land number - to get all sorts of forest land information as well as consulting service on non-timber production, now that "Forest Info Dadrim" a forest owner-customized consulting website developed by the Korea Forestry Promotion Institute is available to the public.

Forest Info Dadrim won the best prize at the "Government 3.0" contest in the forestry sector organized by the Korea Forest Service on 16 May.   "Government 3.0" system supports enhanced information sharing between the government and the people.

Not only forest owners also those interested in starting a forest business or returning to a mountain village welcome this one-click service providing imagery data and 81 big data in tree species, soils, forest management, geography and topography.


Source: Creative Administration Division, Korea Forest Service
For further information, contact : +82 -42 481 8878 (hearee@forest.go.kr)

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