Korea Forest Service reaches out to Indonesia

DATE : 2005-01-21

HITS : 971

Korea Forest Service reaches out to Indonesia

Korea Forest Service donated 14,290,000 won (approx. 13,600USD) to the Indonesian government in hope for a quick recovery from the tsunami disaster. Furthermore, Korea Forest Service expressed their consolation and grief for the disaster to other affected countries such as Thailand and Sri Lanka.

Indonesia, the most affected country by the recent tsunami that struck last December 26, has been a long time partner with Korea in forestry area.

★ Indonesia is the second largest supplying country for Korean timber imports
(imported 295 million USD based in 2003)

★ Indonesia has had active forestry cooperation with Korea including signing
of forestry agreement in 1987, establishment of eco-tourism programs,
trade cooperation, promotion of joint researches.

In view of the recent tsunami and close relationship with Indonesia, the employees of Korea Forest Service collected voluntary contribution amounting to 14,290,000 won (approx. 13,600USD) for the disaster. The donation was sent through Korea Red Cross, a non-governmental organization.

Previous to the voluntary contribution, Chief of Korea Forest Service sent messages of consolation to Indonesian Ministry of Forestry, Thailand Royal Forest Department, and Sri Lankan Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources.

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