Friendship and Mutual Prosperity: Korea-Kazakhstan

DATE : 2024-06-14

HITS : 1263

Friendship and Mutual Prosperity: Korea-Kazakhstan 이미지1

Friendship and Mutual Prosperity: Korea-Kazakhstan Forest Collaboration
- Looking Forward to Strengthening Forestry Ties After Bilateral Summit Talks -

The Korea Forest Service (KFS), led by Minister NAM Sunghyun, announced on the 12th that it has created the "Grove of Coexistence and Prosperity" in the Friendship Garden in Kazakhstan to commemorate the signing of the forestry cooperation agreement following the Korea-Kazakhstan summit.

On the 13th, the day after the summit, NAM Sunghyun, Minister of the KFS, Nurken Sharbiev, Vice Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources, and Otebaev Ersin, Deputy Mayor, planted Kazakh pinus species, viburnum sargentii, spiraea species, syringa species in the Friendship Forest to create the "Grove of Coexistence and Prosperity."

The Friendship Garden is a Korean-style garden established in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, in 2017 through Korea-Kazakhstan forestry cooperation since 2013. It is widely known as a popular wedding photo spot for Astana citizens.

Vice Minister Nurken Sharbiev emphasized the importance of the expanded Korea-Kazakhstan forestry cooperation agreement, and Deputy Mayor Otebaev Ersin expressed his hopes for the scope of forestry cooperation to extend to Astana, including exchanges between the Korea National Arboretum and the Astana Botanical Garden.

NAM Sunghyun, Minister of the KFS, stated, "The Grove of Coexistence and Prosperity symbolizes the hope that the friendship and love between Korea and Kazakhstan will continue for a long time through forestry," adding, "We will further strengthen the forestry cooperation signed through the summit with Kazakhstan to jointly contribute to solving global issues such as climate change and biodiversity."

  • 한-카자흐스탄 상생번영의 동산 조성.jpg [1.5 MB] 첨부파일 다운로드
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