Meeting with Canadian Minister of Int'l Trade
  • DATE2015-02-16
  • HITS3328

Meeting with Canadian Minister of International Trade

Dr. SHIN Won Sop, Minister of Korea Forest Service met the Honorable Ed Fast, Minister of International Trade, Canada on 10 Feburary 2015 at the Embassy of Canada in Seoul.

They exchanged views and insights on the enhanced partnership in the forest sector, especially the on-going cooperation on Korea's sawn lumber indication and quality system.

Canada and Korea jointly plans to have a face-to-face meeting in March in Canada in order to discuss similarities and differences between Canadian and Korean lumber grading and marking systems, and find acceptable solutions to each side's respective lumber marking requirements.

  • 2015_02_10_에드+패스트+캐나다+통상장관+면담_005_주한+캐나다+대사관.JPG.jpg [794.8 KB] 첨부파일 다운로드 (다운로드 199회)
  • 2015_02_10_에드 패스트 캐나다 통상장관 면담_007_주한 캐나다 대사관.JPG [1.0 MB] 첨부파일 다운로드 (다운로드 191회)