DATE : 2015-04-13
HITS : 2782
The Korea Forest Service (KFS) recently revealed its plan to invest KRW two billion in reforesting 20ha of degraded land storing the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). As DMZ holds ecological importance, KFS has so far restored 164ha of forest land from 2009.
On March 24th, Director General of the Forest Protection Bureau led a meeting on reforestation of DMZ with related government sectors including the Republic of Korea Army, the Front-line Unit, and Gwangwon Province. During the meeting, stakeholders discussed the reforestation project plan, progress made, challenges identified, and ways to enhance cooperation among different sectors.
The Director General Lee assured that KFS will continue to work closely with related organizations to effectively carry out reforestation project in DMZ.
Source: Forest Ecosystem Restoration Division, Korea Forest Service
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