8th Australia-Korea FCC

DATE : 2015-07-02

HITS : 2976

8th Australia-Korea FCC 이미지1 8th Australia-Korea FCC 이미지2

The 8th Meeting of Australia-Korea Forestry Cooperative Committee

The 8th meeting of the Korea-Australia Forestry Cooperative Committee was held between the Korea Forest Service (KFS) and the Department of Agriculture in Daejeon, Republic of Korea. The Korean delegation was headed by Ms.LEE Soon Wook, Director of Forest Trade Division, KFS and the Australian delegation by Mr. Ben Mitchell, Director of International Forest Policy, Forestry Branch, Department of Agriculture.

The 8th meeting focused on Australia's illegal logging legislation and due diligence which aimed at reducing risks of illegal logging. The Australian side also explained the outline of Country Specific Guideline (CSG) and both sides discussed how to develop feasible contents of a Korean CSG.

Taking into account Korea's logging permission system and timber distribution system, Australia will prepare a provisional template and Korea will review it, thereafter co-developing a layout of Korean CSG which can fit both Korea's timber legality conditions and Australia's current illegal logging legislation.

  • 282A0229.jpg [374.0 KB] 첨부파일 다운로드
  • 사진자료-제8차 한-호주 산림협력위원회 (수석대표 좌측 산림청 이순욱 임업통상팀장, 우측(남)벤 미첼 호주 농림부 국제산림정책과장).jpg [1.1 MB] 첨부파일 다운로드
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