KFS Project Assessed as Outstanding Project

DATE : 2009-08-05

HITS : 2122

KFS Project Assessed as Outstanding Project 이미지1

Assessment of Government-Funded Projects

The tree-planting project has been evaluated as an outstanding government project.

According to the assessment conducted by the Ministry of Strategy and Finance on projects by 35 government agency projects, the planting project with 72 billion won was reviewed as high quality policy and high success rate.

19 outstanding projects selected among 346 projects of 35 agencies

The Ministry of Strategy and Finance selected 19 outstanding projects(5.5%) based on the assessment among 346 projects. The plantation project recorded 92% success rate and policy quality improvement of 83.6 points.

The accomplishments of 70 projects(accounting for 20%) were evaluated as poor. As for KFS, total of 6 projects were evaluated, and aside from the the plantation project (outstanding), remaining 5 projects were evaluated as satisfactory.

The Ministry of Strategy and Finance announced that more budget will be appropriated to projects with outstanding accomplishments, while cut budgets of more than 10% to those poorly evaluated and even cancel projects that showed very poor performance.

KFS will continue its efforts to successfully implement projects and is anticipating to increase budget needed for planting projects related activities like biomass-cycle forest, disease and disaster control, etc.

The KFS''s DG for Forest Resources Policy Bureau stressed that tree planting is an integral part of low carbon green growth. He further expected that the needs for healthy forests will increase along with the improvement of livelihood.

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