19th Session of Korea-Indonesia Forestry Committee

DATE : 2009-03-13

HITS : 1842

Prior to the signing of the MOU on Wood Biomass Energy Industry Development at the presidential palace, the Korea Forest Service and the Indonesian Ministry of Forestry held the 19th session of the Korea-Indonesia Forestry Committee on March 5.

Both sides followed-up on the on-going forestry cooperation, including 0.5 million ha investment, mangrove forest rehabilitation project, project of seed sources and nursery technology development in Indonesia and its 2nd phase project, sister ties between the national park of Indonesia and recreational forest in Korea, and joint research on tropical forest resources.

Some new topics included cooperation in development of wood biomass industry, cooperation for joint pilot project to mitigate climate change, cooperation for the establishment of AFoCO (Asian Forest Cooperation Organization), cooperation for Establishment of School of Environmental Conservation and Ecotourism Management (SECEM).

Both sides agreed to mutually support the joint projects.

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