Suncheonbay Garden, the First National Garden
  • DATE2015-02-02
  • HITS3570

Suncheonbay Garden earns the First National Garden title
Legal grounds have been established to foster new emerging industry, gardens.

On January 20, the Korean government has proclaimed an amendment for the Act on the Creation and Furtherance of Arboretums and Botanical Gardens allowing policy makers to better develop garden related policies and implement them. With this amendment, more government support can be allocated to catalyze the garden industry.

Against the backdrop of this amendment, the Korea Forest Service(KFS) designated the Suncheonbay Garden as the first national garden. In 2013, the number of people who had visited the garden reached 4.4 million. In addition, KFS also started on establishing infrastructure for the furtherance of gardens. Through intersectoral collaboration, KFS will integrate garden industry with other fields with the aim of developing it to be one of driving forces behind the national growth.

Source: Forest Environment Conservation Division, Korea Forest Service
For further information, contact +82-42-481-8891

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