Accuracy of the Forest Fire Danger Rating Enhanced
  • DATE2015-02-12
  • HITS3452
Before (left) and After (rght) of the Accuracy Updates on the Forest Fire Danger Rating System

According to Dr. SHIN Won Sop, the Minister of the Korea Forest Service, the functions of Forest Fire Danger Rating system which displays the forest fire danger ratings on the map of South Korea, has been improved significantly. The accuracy of the danger ratings has been enhanced from 74.2% to 83.3%, utilizing the Big Data. This system gathers data from both KFS and Korea Meteorological Administration(KMA)'s data pools to analyze the real-time danger ratings for forest fire, and displays the results on the map.

From February 1st, the system has been opened to the Korean public so that anyone can have access to the forest fire danger ratings. The director general of the Planning and Coordination Bureau, Dr. RYU Kwangsu, told the media that KFS will further develop the system by combining the weathers bot above and under the mountains to provide more accurate predictions of the forest fires.
  • 산불 before and after.jpg [54.4 KB] 첨부파일 다운로드 (다운로드 172회)