Meeting with Ambassadors of Latin American
  • DATE2015-05-14
  • HITS4065

Meeting with Ambassadors of Latin American to Korea on 11 May at Lotte Hotel, Seoul

Minister of Korea Forest Service(KFS) Dr. SHIN Won Sop invited Ambassadors of Latin America countries with which Korea has established a forest partnership MOU to the meeting which aimed to introduce Korea's forest policies and share insights on enhance the forest cooperation?between Korea and Latin America countries.

At the meeting. KFS made a presentation on key forest policies and international forest cooperation. Ambassadors and representatives of Embassies of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Paraguay and Uruguay in Korea?and provided valuable comments and shared their views for enhancing the established forest partnerships.

Minister Dr. SHIN highlighted that overseas forest investment in Latin America holds great potentials including forest planation and timber processing, and added that KFS will give impetus to forest investment in Latin American countries and expand the established forest partnerships so as to improve more stable enviroments for foreign forest investment . He further extended his request to the Ambassadors to provide the continued support and build bridges of cooperation in order to promote Korean companies' forest investment in Latin America.

  • 2015_05_11_주한 남미 대사 초청 산림정책 설명회_018_서울 롯데호텔.JPG [974.1 KB] 첨부파일 다운로드 (다운로드 221회)
  • 2015_05_11_주한 남미 대사 초청 산림정책 설명회_016_서울 롯데호텔.JPG [1.7 MB] 첨부파일 다운로드 (다운로드 198회)
  • 2015_05_11_주한 남미 대사 초청 산림정책 설명회_006_서울 롯데호텔.JPG [1.1 MB] 첨부파일 다운로드 (다운로드 190회)