Workshop on Exportable Forestry Prodducts

DATE : 2012-12-27

HITS : 3420

Workshop on Exportable Forestry Prodducts 이미지1 Workshop on Exportable Forestry Prodducts 이미지2

A workshop for the strategy and promotion of exportable forestry products

On Friday the 21st of December 2012. The Korea Forest Service hosted a workshop on how to better promote the export of forestry products. About 200 people from local governments, Korea Forest Service, and local food producers and exporters attended the event. The workshop was opened and addressed by Korea Forest Service Minister LEE Don Koo who then, with his peers, performed a giant Bi Bim Bap (a traditional Korean rice and vegetable dish) making ceremony, involving members mixing rice and vegetables together in a large 1.5 meter bowl. Minister LEE also awarded local producers and exporters official commendation for export enhancement.

During the course of the day various representatives and speakers gave lectures on the exportable potential of forestry products. Such products discussed and on display varied from mushrooms, nuts, persimmons, persimmon wines, dried fruits, preserved fruits, chestnut puree, natural vitamin C products made from local fruits, and healthy instant meals made from wild vegetables. Korea has a long tradition of producing delicious and healthy natural food products and is now keen to export these health foods to the rest of the world. Other products included in the workshop for discussion, was the potential for the export of timber by-products, such as, sawdust, compressed wood pellets used as fire fuel, and timber waste turned into fiber boards.

The Korea Forest Service sets a feasible target for increasing the exports of forestry products up to 330 million USD in 2013, considering that the 2012 exports reached 300 million USD exceeding the original target of 280 million USD.

It is the Korea Forest Service's role to support the Korean mountain village communities with the marketing and export potential of their local food and timber products as part of a national sustainability effort for a Green and prosperous Korea. It is their strategy to reciprocate this technology with developing nations.

Global Resources Div 
Workshop on forestry products 
  • 2012_12_21_수출전략 워크숍_113_퍼포먼스.JPG [1.0 MB] 첨부파일 다운로드
  • 2012_12_21_역량강화 및 수출전략 워크숍_013_참석자들.JPG [1.1 MB] 첨부파일 다운로드
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