The 40th Anniversary

DATE : 2007-01-11

HITS : 1154

The 40th Anniversary  이미지1

’The 40th anniversary of KFS’s inauguration, a history of great endeavors ’

Korea Forest Service(KFS) celebrated the 40th anniversary as of Jan 9. Chief Suh Seong-jin invited former chiefs, senior retirees and other concerned officials to the ceremony and held a commemorative reception and a photo exhibition of KFS’s 40-year footsteps.

Since inauguration on Jan. 9, 1967, aiming at forest protection and disaster rehabilitation fundamental to territorial integrity and industry development, KFS has managed to turn forests to internationally recognized lush forests in 40 years.

KFS plans to implement sustainable forest management so that forests can serve as economic resources and further maintain social, ecological, and cultural values to descend to the next generation.

In addition, KFS has a further ambitious plan to continually transfer our forest rehabilitation technology to developing nations and to extend overseas forest resources by improving forestry technologies and developing future resources for international competitiveness

International Cooperation Division

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  • 40주년개청사진.jpg [11.0 KB] 첨부파일 다운로드
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