Creation of Mountain Eco-Villages

DATE : 2008-01-15

HITS : 1878

Creation of Mountain  Eco-Villages  이미지1

Mr. Suh Seung-jin, Chief of the Korea Forest Service has announced that the project ''Creation of Mountain Eco-Villages'', which was launched in 1995, will be continued till 2017 in accordance with Act on Promotion of Mountain Villages.

Of 4,052 villages designated as mountain village promotion area, 153 mountain villages will be created this year and 450 villages by 2017 as planned. Project activities include improvement of living environment, infrastructure improvement for forest products. facility construction for experiencing mountain life, guide for local planners, etc.

Moreover, a C.I. system of mountain eco-village has been developed, and the system logo with leaf patterns symbolizes comfort and friendliness. This logo will be used in various ways, such as sign posts in front of villages, wrapping paper, brochures, etc. in order to raise awareness of clean forest products. to increase local incomes, and to bring about interactive exchange between urban and rural areas.

There have been efforts in more systematic and efficient project implementation, in capacity building and in policy design on better living environment for all the people. The Korea Forest Service will follow through this project.

International Trade and Negotiation Team

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