Mr. Ha Young-je, the 27th State Minister of KFS

DATE : 2008-03-10

HITS : 1494

Mr. Ha Young-je, the 27th State Minister of KFS 이미지1

The 27th State Minister of the Korea Forest Service(KFS), Mr. HA Youngje made an inauguratory speech on March 8. 2008 at the KFS conference room.

In his speech, he expressed that he is pleased to be back and working with the KFS which he had worked for five years since 1983. Further he stressed that forest management should be based on pragmatic coexistence and harmony between mankind and forests. ''It is time for us to reform forest administration regulations and actively make our pace toward the new era in order to satisfy the changing and diverse demand for forests and to increase the competitiveness of the forest industry'' said Mr. HA.

International Cooperation Division
☎ +82-42-481-4082

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