Korea Forest Service to practice trimming of roadside trees for better city landscape

DATE : 2010-02-10

HITS : 1902

Korea Forest Service to practice trimming of roadside trees for better city landscape 이미지1

Tree models for top 10 species used for roadside trees

We may expect to see the roadside trees in superb condition that complete the fine city landscapes of downtown Tokyo or Paris in our own country as well not too long from now.

Korea Forest Service (Minister, Chung Kwang-soo) has developed models for top 10 species used for roadside trees and will start trimming practices to improve their external form and contribute to the aesthetics of the city landscape.

It was pointed out that the pruning practices in the past only focused on trimming of branches that interfere the visibility of road signs and signboards. It resulted in extensive removal of branches leaving the trees in bare trunks and consequently affected the overall city landscape.

Last year, Korea Forest Service implemented the "Study on the Improvement of Roadside Trees" to develop better landscape and solve problems related to the visibility of signboards. Based on the results of this study, KFS will begin trimming of roadside trees this year by applying the tree models for top 10 species used for roadsides.

It was announced that KFS will continue to reinforce the management of roadside trees as an important indicator to the aesthetics of city landscape. KFS authorities further added that KFS will offer training programs for field workers and promote actual implementation through local governments.


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