Korea Biodiversity Information System Database

DATE : 2014-08-13

HITS : 2411

Gold Class Certified Korea Biodiversity Information System Database

Korea Biodiversity Information System Database received Gold Class Certification from the Korea Database Agency for the second time. It was selected as ten core databases in the Republic of Korea in 2010 and certified as Gold Class database in 2012.

The Korea National Arboretum (KNA) and the Korea Forest Service (KFS) started this
database in 1998 with the aim of conserving and managing biological resources.
As of this year, about 83.5 million samples of various species were digitalized and have been utilized as great educational material.

Korea Biodiversity Information System Database was made public in 2013 to support development of new market by sharing vast information with the private sectors. By the end of this year, all data will be available to the public at data.go.kr or data.forest.go.kr. The Korea Forest Service will continue to update the database so that it could gain more
popularity and reliability of various users.

Source: Information and Statistics Division, Korea Forest Service
For further information, contact +82-42-481-8891


1) Database Quality Certification-Value (DQC-V)

    Conduct integrated quality testing on the organization and data submitted by the organization.

2) Classification (quantify the data integrity in database)

    Platinum Class: over 99.977% or 5.0 sigma

    Gold Class: over 97.7% or 3.5 sigma

    Silver Class: over 95.51% or 3.2 sigma

Information and Statistics Division 
Int'l Affairs Burea 
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