Special Snack Given by The Chief of KFS

DATE : 2006-12-04

HITS : 1589

Special Snack Given by The Chief of KFS 이미지1

Special snacks were delivered to each office of the Korea Forest Service(KFS) on Dec 1st. It was fired chicken ordered by Mr. Suh Seung-jin, Chief of KFS. It was as part of the campaign for promoting chicken consumption to help poultry farmers whose income is being affected by the recent breakout of Avian Influenza(AI).

What’s more, KFS officials had chicken broth for lunch as part of the campaign as well, ensuring chicken is safe enough when it is cooked at 75℃ for more than 5 minutes.

All staffs were quite surprised at the fired chicken delivered around 4 o’clock when people might feel peckish and enjoyed the special snack time.

Mr. Suh Seung-jin said that he came up with this idea in order to not only thank the staff for all efforts throughout the year and but also encourage the farmers having hard times due to AI.

International Cooperation Division

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