Summary of the Act on Pine Wilt Disease Prevention

DATE : 2005-05-19

HITS : 863

Summary of the Act on Pine Wilt Disease

Korea Forest Service announced that the Act on Pine Wilt Disease Prevention was passed in the special session of the National Assembly on May 3(Tuesday). The affected areas will be designated as restricted zones for pine tree transfer which will thoroughly ban displacement of infected pine species. Central and local governments will be obliged to establish an Action Plan.

Initiated on : February 2, 2005 legislated by the members of
National Assembly (Chairperson Lee Bang-ho)
Passed on : May 3, 2005
Provisions : Total 19 Articles and Clauses

Please see the attachment (Act on Pine Wilt Disease(0519).doc) for the summary.

Translated by Int'l Cooperation Division
☎ +82-42-481-4081 (Ms. Lee, Mira)

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  • Act on Pine Wilt Disease Prevention(0519).doc [24.5 KB] 첨부파일 다운로드
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