International Workshop on Climate Change and Forest Sector

DATE : 2004-10-14

HITS : 943

Focusing on Plantation Projects in Tropical Countries

Korea Forest Service sponsored the "International Workshop on Climate Change and Forest Sector focusing on Clean Development Mechanism in Tropical Countries" with the presence of Dr. Manoel Sobral Filho, Executive Director of ITTO, Mr. Maeda Naoto, Director General of Japanese Forestry Agency, Dr. Je Jong-geel, Member of the National Assembly, and some 100 international participants to discuss effects of forests in climate change.

Date: September 21, 2004 (Tue) ~ September 23, 2004 (Thu)

Venue: Sejong Cultural Center, Hoam Faculty Center of Seoul National University

The Workshop was organized by Seoul National University, Korea Forest Research Institute, Northeast Asian Forest Forum, Centre for International Forestry Research, and Swiss Intercooperation. Presentations were made on forest carbon trading issues in accordance with the Kyoto Protocol, latest technology on carbon sequestration, carbon emission and its effects on forests' social and economic aspects, and foreign CDM project case studies.

Executive Director of ITTO, Director General of Japanese Forestry Agency, as well as forestry personnel from ITTO member countries like China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, etc participated in the Workshop.

Mr. Cho Yon-hwan, the Chief of Korea Forest Service, delivered the congratulatory during the opening ceremony welcoming all the participants and hoping that the workshop could be a chance to realize the importance of forest once again. He also asked all the member countries of ITTO to work together to achieve Sustainable Forest Management.

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