To Build Economically Competitive Forests
  • DATE2006-05-02
  • HITS2544
President Roh Moo-hyun and the First Lady have participated in the tree planting held in Gyeonggi Province in celebration of the 61st Arbor Day on April 5. President Roh stressed that the forests not only have to be green but economically competitive. He further acknowledged the tremendous public benefits that forests provide. He also proposed to analyze its contribution to public wellbeing and provide numerical value for this as well. He further stated a tax benefit system will be developed for the landowners who use their land for urban forestry.
  • 0405-61st arbor day4.jpg [71.0 KB] 첨부파일 다운로드 (다운로드 81회)
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  • 0405-61st arbor day2.jpg [70.0 KB] 첨부파일 다운로드 (다운로드 80회)
  • 0405-61st arbor day1.jpg [69.0 KB] 첨부파일 다운로드 (다운로드 78회)