KFS Set to Introduce Another Brace of Siberian Tigers from China

DATE : 2005-11-07

HITS : 696

KFS Set to Introduce Another Brace of Siberian Tigers from China

The Korea Forest Service is set to import an additional brace of Siberian tigers into the country from China around mid November in a bid to reinforce its friendly cooperation with China, opening a new chapter in the breeding of endangered Siberian tigers.
Back in 1994, the KFS was donated a couple of Siberian tigers named "Cheonji," and "Baekdu," respectively, by Chinese President Jiang Zemin, in commemoration of entering into diplomatic relations between Korea and China in 1992.
Nevertheless, in spite of strenuous efforts to reproduce them by Korea National Arboretum, an affiliate agency of the KFS, it eventually failed to do so. As a result, the KFS decided to introduce another brace of Siberian tigers from China.
To this end, following the selection of a variety of Siberian tigers in August, the Korea Forest Service has materialized discussion on the introduction of the tigers through the 5th Session of the Korea-China Forestry Cooperative Committee in October.

Translated by International Cooperation Division
☎ +82-42-481-4081 (Ms. Kang Hye-young)

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