The 3rd Mountain Day

DATE : 2004-10-18

HITS : 1105

In celebration of the 3rd Mountain Day on the 18th, Korea Forest Service held the Mountain Day Commemoration on October 16th at Gyejok-san Forest Bathing Facility.

The "Resolution on Love for Mountain" was pledged by Mr. Young-seok Park and some 7 people including Professor Young-woo Jeon (Kookmin Univ.) who have greatly contributed in practicing Love for Mountain were awarded by the government. Also the awarding ceremony for the Catch Phrase Contest was held. The 1st prize winner catch phrase was "Green Forests in our Hearts, Blue Dreams for our Future." This catch phrase will be used in Love for Mountain campaigns.

Other events like "One Heart Walking Contest" with the disabled and quintet concert were also held.

Concerned Korea Forest Service official said that variety of events were prepared in celebration of the Mountain Day to have the chance to realize the importance of mountains once again.

In celebration of the Mountain Day, Korea Forest Service opened National Arboretum Recreation Forest and Forest Museum for free on October 17 for one day.

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