A New Brace of Siberian Tigers from China

DATE : 2005-11-17

HITS : 735

A brace of Siberian tigers was donated by China. The tigers arrived in Incheon on November 16 by Korean Air flight number 852. The tigers were transported to the Korea National Arboretum in Gwangreung and the adoption ceremony was held on November 17.

Mr. Cho Yon-hwan, the Chief of Korea Forest Service and Mr. Zhou Shengxian, the Administrator of State Forestry Administration of China signed the Arrangement on Cooperation in Siberian Tiger Breeding on November 16, in presence of President Roh Moo-hyun and President Hu Jintao at Cheong Wa Dae.

In 1994, former President Jiang Zemin has donated two Siberian tigers as a symbol of friendship between the two countries. Unfortunately, the pair was not able to propagate. Recognizing the significance of the propagation of these tigers, the Chinese side have agreed on the donation. The newly introduced pair has been proven to have a good relationship and experts have high hopes on successful propagation.

Forest authorities say that the additional donation of the tigers by the Chinese side has been a stepping stone to further strengthen friendly relations between the two nations and stressed that the event has a great significance on propagation and breeding of Siberian tigers which is known to be an endangered species.

International Cooperation Division
Ms. Kang Hye-young (042-481-4081)

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