The 5th UNFF-report from week 1

DATE : 2005-05-25

HITS : 769

The Fifth Session of UNFF

Report from week 1 (May 16~20)

500 delegates representing each nation and organization
gathered at the Fifth Session to discuss the future

direction of IAF(International Arrangement on Forest) and
sustainable forest management on the global level.
→ Issues on legally binding force, financial resources,

setting forest goal on the global level.
◎ Korea(1)supports development of IAF into flexible
convention with binding force; (2) hasn't taken a stance on
financial issues yet; (3) supports setting forest goals on
the global level.

▣ Stance of each state
¤ Issues on IAF's legally binding force
EU, Canada, China, Switzerland, Korea, etc favor legally binding IAF.
US, Australia, New Zealand, Russia, etc favor the current structure of
G-77, ASEAN, etc stress financial assistance and technology transfer
as a condition for further development.

¤ Issues on financial resources
EU, US, Japan oppose to development of GFF(Global Forest Fund) and
favor practical use of current resources.
G-77, China, developing countries strongly assert foundation of GFF.

¤ Issues on setting Global Goals
EU stresses the importance of setting quantifiable objectives.
G-77 and China approves of setting global goals but is against fixed
US is against setting Global Goals itself and urges setting goals on
the national level.

▣ Accomplishments of the Korean Delegation

¤ On the first day(May 16) of the Fifth Session, Korea announced the
stance on future direction of IAF
Korea supports development of flexible framework convention with
binding force; hasn't taken a stance on financial issues; and supports
development of global goals.

¤ Inserted Korea's assertion as alternative measure in Chair's Text
during the review on May 20.
Para 19. Decides that a legally binding instrument on all types on
forest is the best way to strengthen the IAF and to achieve the
Global Goals (EU, RoK)

▣ Expected activities during the second half
¤ Negotiations on the Chair's Text and Ministerial Declaration
(May 23~May 24)

¤ Raise awareness on the legislation process of the Act on Protection of
Baekdu Daegan Mountain System and Korea's contribution to global
forest rehabilitation. Reaffirm Korean stance on IAF future direction
during the Ministerial segment(May 25~ May 26)

Translated by Int'l Cooperation Division
☎ +82-42-481-4082 (Mr. Ko Junho)

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