Disadvantages of Burning Banks around Rice Fields

DATE : 2006-03-20

HITS : 1020

 Disadvantages of Burning Banks around Rice Fields 이미지1

Around this season, burning banks around rice fields commonly occur, which is considered one of preparatory jobs ahead of farming. According to the research by Rural Development Administration, actually, incineration of ridges around fields has less advantages than disadvantages. For example, pest insects account for only 11% of insects living in fields and the rest 89% is natural enemies of pest insects so burning ridges or banks means that natural enemies get killed as well. Rice straws consist of silicic acid of 12-18%. For this reason it is much more efficient to use them as manure rather than burning them.

According to the Korea Forest Service(KFS), 20% of forest fires this year has occurred due to burning banks around fields. What’s worse, it was reported that some elderly villagers got burned or had their property damaged while burning banks. For the last 5 years, 32 fires by burning banks around fields have caused 32 casualties and widespread damage in 10.8 hectares. Therefore, KFS has advised local autonomous entities and national forest offices to control the incineration and to inform local people that burning ridges or banks around fields does have little advantages. Under the Framework Act on Forest, Article 100, Clause 2 is a ban on incineration within 100 miters from forests. If anybody violates the rule, the person will be fined 1000,000 won.

Last November KFS suggested beforehand that the incineration be performed in presence of forest officials or forest fire watchmen.

International Cooperation Division

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