Tulip tree, an outstanding carbon sink

DATE : 2005-11-30

HITS : 1012

A team of experts on phytoremediation from Korea Forest Research Institute under the Korea Forest Service has announced that tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera) absorbs carbon at least 1.6 times more and as much as 2.2 times more than other species. The study was conducted on carbon sink from 1 ha of forest covered with trees aged more than 30 years. Pine tree absorbed 4.2, larch 4.1, Korean pine 3.1, Oriental Chestnut Oak 4.1 tC/year, but the tulip tree absorbed astounding 6.8 tC/year(when converted for each tree 10.8 kgC/year).

The study applied the methodology specified in IPCC guidelines for computing of carbon stock change in biomass.

The tulip tree is indigenous to Eastern America but was introduced in Korea. After 30 years of research on this species, it was shown that the species is not only favorable to acquiring CERs but also grows twice as fast as the other commercial species including larch and Korean pine. It also grows well in poor soil and adopts to the environment rather quickly. The timber from this tree can be used in various ways that it is a recommended commercial species for plantation in Korea.

UNFCCC was adopted to sequestrate the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. After which, Kyoto Protocol was adopted to make it a legally binding agreement. For the implementation of Kyoto Protocol, 3 mechanisms were introduced, namely, CER trading, JI(joint implementation), and CDM(clean development mechanism). The CER trading allows trading of the rights of carbon emission, therefore in case required reduction is not met, the shortage can be bought in the international market. The market size is expected to be around 20 billion USD.

Although Korea is not an Annex 1 nation as of the present, it is one of the top 10 CO2 emitting countries. And since Korea has the largest increase in the emission rate, international community is keeping an eye on Korea for the next commitment period.

The research provides effective measures to acquire CERs and to reduce industrial cost that may be imposed when Korea becomes an Annex 1 nation. It is expected to play a significant role in enhancing national competitiveness by providing such concrete preparative measures.

Translated by Int’l Cooperation Division
Ms. Kang Hyeyoung ☎+82-42-481-4081

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