Cutting-Edge Forest Fire Response System (WFC)

DATE : 2022-05-16

HITS : 1350

Cutting-Edge Forest Fire Response System (WFC) 이미지1 Cutting-Edge Forest Fire Response System (WFC) 이미지2

Promote a Cutting-Edge Forest Fire Response System at the XV World Forestry Congress
- Korea Forest Service shows the ICT-based forest fires control system.

Korea Forest Service Minister Choi Byeong-am will promote the cutting-edge forest fire response system at the XV World Forestry Congress at the world's most influential COEX forestry gathering in Seoul from May 2 to 6, targeting participants worldwide.

The Congress is among the first international gatherings after the COVID-19 pandemic, within the backdrop of technical cooperation and resource sharing for disaster countermeasures and asking for international support to promote human health and safety.

Also, with the Congress' momentum, the Korea Forest Service plans on building an international cooperation system and sharing forest fire extinguishment strategies. As part of a huge wildfire countermeasure, the Congress will introduce smart wildfire prevention and extinguishment systems based on the Republic of Korea's state-of-the-art ICT, targeting the Congress participants from 146 countries.

Korea's forest disaster countermeasure system applies smart techniques, utilizing cutting-edge ICT, and smart technology.

The Forest Fire Disaster Safety Communication Device is a GPS-based device processing wildfire reports, providing locations of evacuation sites, and informing the public via progress reports. Anyone can install the Smart Forest Disaster App and access the 3D Forest Fire Prevention System and 10 other types of ICT-based Forest Fire Monitoring Systems providing information about the landscapes and distribution of forests in the Republic of Korea.

ICT-based Forest fire monitoring System: forest fire forecast, mountain trail management, CCTV image transmission, forest fire control, prediction of forest fire, firefighting strategy map, helicopter image transmission, drone image transmission, ground image transmission, helicopter tracking system, and so on.

The Forest Fire Headquarters uses cutting-edge ICT technology and the Forest Fire Monitoring System to set a rapid forest fire extinguishing plan and place firefighting resources most efficiently.
Also, the Central Forest Fire Control Office devised the forest disaster integrated management system utilizing information about forests and big data technology. The system provides access to the live situation of forest fires and smart forest disaster support and promotes Korea's fire prevention methods and safe fire management to the world.

The Korea Forest Service has introduced an integrated command system, utilizing 47 firefighting helicopters to support aerial firefighting to the local government and related organizations. The KFS has also introduced a large-scale firefighting strategy, including fire extinguishing technology, nighttime firefighting, and deployment of aerial firefighting agents.

Firefighting helicopters (188 total): KFS (47), local governments (72), related organizations (69)
Moreover, the KFS has introduced the aerial command system utilizing firefighting helicopters and drones for navigating steep mountains and extinguishing embers. Firefighting and thermal graphical drones; smart, wearable fire-extinguishing robots; and smart helmets were also introduced.

A seminar on aviation safety and response strategies of extinguishing large-scale wildfires in the air held as a side event on May 3rd includes discussion on
the Direction of Development of fire-fighting helicopters in extinguishing fires in the air and addressing night wildfires. Also, as a special event on May 4th, Fire management forum is held to cover international discussion on wildfire management issues.

Director Sang Seop Lim of Forest Health Protection Division said, “we will share Korea’s system to respond to wildfires applied with cutting-edge ICT and build an international cooperative mechanism with countries around the world including jointly responding to wildfire issues after the 15th World Forestry Congress.”

  • KFS Forest Fire Control.jpg [34.0 KB] 첨부파일 다운로드
  • KFS Forest Fire Control_001.jpg [86.3 KB] 첨부파일 다운로드
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