Korean Forests at a Glance 2013
  • DATE2014-05-07
  • HITS1606

Korean Forests at a Glance 2013

Table of Contents

Ⅰ. A Summary of Korean Forests

1. International Forestry Statistics

2. Status of Forestry

3. Forest Products by GDP

4. Erosion Control / Forest Roads

5. Recreational Forests

6. Roadside Trees / Urban Forests

7. International Forest Cooperation and Trade

Ⅱ. Forest Management

1. Korean Forests

2. Forest Management

3. Forest Products

4. International Cooperation

5. Annex

  • Korean Forests at a Glance 2013.pdf [2.0 MB] 첨부파일 다운로드 (다운로드 62회)