DATE : 2014-05-22
HITS : 2644
Forest experience event for multicultural families:
Communication and healing in the forest
The Forest Training Institute of the Korea Forest Service (FTI) conducted an event titled "Healing through Forest Play," inviting 300 children from multicultural families of Ammida Cultural Center (Namyangjoo Province) on May 18, 2014.
This event was organized to remind the importance of the forest environment by letting the children experience the healing effects through various forest plays and forest experiences. A total of 7 multicultural families from 6 countries including the Philippines, Vietnam, etc. participated in programs titled, "Healing Trekking," "Amazing Stories on Plants and Insects," "Forest Play for Healing," etc.
In particular, "Forest Play for Healing" was designed to build awareness and respect on the natural environment through understanding forest ecology, share the healing effects of nature, express the intimacy between family members, and learn how to distinguish "wrong" and "different."
"We plan to expand the event to a broader range of children by developing new programs that will provide opportunities for people to experience communication and healing in the forests," an FTI official said.
Source: Education Planning Division of the FTI
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