The 60th Arbor Day

DATE : 2005-04-04

HITS : 840

The 60th Arbor Day

April 5, 2005

Korea Forest Service(KFS), in celebration of the 60th Arbor Day(April 5, 2005), facilitated tree planting programs in coordination with 8,194 agencies and institutions nationwide.

In celebration of 60th year of independence and 60th arbor day, KFS held various Arbor Day ceremonies highlighting the 60 years of forest restoration and focusing on preparation of the next 60 years. Prior to the Arbor Day celebration, KFS set March 1~ April 30 as the tree planting period and has been facilitating planting of some 18,000 trees for landscape enhancement, fire restoration, economical and other diverse purposes.

As much it is the 60th year for independence as well, KFS is promoting ecosystem restoration of Baekdu Daegan Mountain System and pine cultivation which both represent the spirit of Korea. Although organized by an NGO, North and South Korean joint tree planting ceremony was held last April 3 showing the unity between the two.

KFS will also cultivate theme forest unique to each region. Also, to increase public awareness and participation in tree planting, campaigns such as "Give a Tree," "Owning My Tree" are conducted. International symposium on forestation accomplishments and future vision on forest policy was held as well.
Authorities announced that taking care of planted trees is as important as planting itself. Authorities also requested for continued love and concern for forests and trees that gives diverse benefits such as carbon sink.

For details on tree planting activities of each agency, please see the attachment.(Arbor day 2005.doc)

Int'l Cooperation Division
☎ +82-42-481-4081 (Ms. Lee, Mira)

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  • Arborday day 2005.doc [51.0 KB] 첨부파일 다운로드
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