Forest Tending Day

DATE : 2006-11-02

HITS : 1310

Forest Tending Day 이미지1

Korea Forest Service, aiming to build high-value forests, is implementing the "Forest Tending" project as one of the key policies. Authorities declared that the scope of the project will be expanded a great deal next year.

Korea Forest Service aims to increase public awareness on the importance and the necessity of forest tending activities during annual forest tending period(Nov. 1~30).

This year, national fund of 158.4 billion won(166.7 million USD) and local fund of 78.6billlion won (82.7 million USD) was mobilized to implement the forest tending project on 180,000 ha of forest.

The forest tending projects are conducted according to the functions of the forest, some of the functions are 120,000 ha forest for commercial forest management, 30,000 ha for improving the water quality, 100,000 ha for improvement of landscape along highway.

According to the Korea Forest Research Institute, appropriate management of forest can increase the timber production up to 2.8 times more, triple the water resources, and promote the growth of the roots which help prevent landslides.

In addition to the Forest Tending Day on November 1, a month-long activities will continue for student and the public. The Korea Forest Service will provide the forest tending sites, tools and instructors for groups of people applying for the experience. Some 100,000 people from 500 organizations are expected to participate in the month-long campaign.

Other activities, such as "Day With the Forest Owners" dor information dissemination and reach out programs in which the wood produced from forest tending are distributed to people who need wood fuel, are also held during this period.

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