DATE : 2008-12-12
HITS : 1686
On December 11, Korea Forest Service held an educational seminar for government officers in the forestry field from 248 provincial and local districts and 48 affiliate agencies under Korea Forest Service regarding coping with the economic crisis. Issues like forestry job opportunities and low carbon green growth were discussed at the seminar.
This seminar further focused discussion on current government''s vision on low carbon green growth. The authorities will make efforts to finalize within this year all the necessary procedures such as consent from the forest owners, collection of opinions, and coordination with other relevant agencies. This will facilitate project implementation right away as soon as the year begins.
In the past, the Korean government succeeded in forest rehabilitation right after the Korean War, and during the economic crisis in 1998, forestry offered 13,000 job opportunities through forest tending projects.
The Director General for the Bureau of Coordination and Planning of Korea Forest Service sighted foreign cases such as public conservation association during Great Depression, forest cluster in Finland to emphasize that forestry played an important role in economic crisis. He further added that the current 38,000 jobs will be expanded to 104,000 jobs in the future.