Conflict Resolution in Baekdu Daegan Mountain System

DATE : 2005-05-26

HITS : 945

Conflict Resolution for
Governance in Republic of Korea

Baekdu Daegan Mountain System(BDMS) is the logest series of mountain ranges that forms the backbone of the Korean peninsula. It also is the core ecosystem and many efforts have been made to save the significant ecosystem.

So as to build a legal basis for conservation processes, a special act was enacted and protection areas have been created. Conflicts were unavoidable in the process. Diverse measures have been undertaken to resolve these conflicts.

The Korean government will continue to establish balance between conservation and delevelopment.

During the Fifth Session of UNFF, the Korean delegation is going to make a statement on the conflict resolution process in BDMS and summary booklets will be distributed.

Please see the attachment for the summary booklet. (Conflict Resolution in BDMS(RoK).pdf)

International Cooperation Division
☎ +82-42-481-4082 (Mr. Ko Juho)

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  • Conflict Resolution in BDMS(RoK).pdf [1.3 MB] 첨부파일 다운로드
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