DATE : 2021-06-03
HITS : 14709
P4G Seoul Summit 2021 Special Breakout Session on Forests
On May 18th 2021, the Korea Forest Service organized a Special Breakout Session on Forests during the Green Future Week of the P4G Seoul Summit 2021, under the theme of “Forests for Global Net-Zero and Peace.” The session focused on the role of forests as a major carbon sink, and discussed the current status and future direction of the world’s forestry sector.
The session’s keynote speakers, presenters, and panelists included Minister Byeong-am CHOI of the KFS, Executive Secretary Ibrahim Thiaw of the UNCCD, Senator Chris Coons of the U.S., Director General Qu Dongyu of the FAO, Mr. Alex Rudee of the WRI, Mr. Kim Hyung-soo, the CEO of Tree Planet, Ambassador Frode Solberg of Norway to Korea, Executive Director Ricardo L. Calderon of AFoCO, Deputy Minister Milagros De Camps of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of the Dominican Republic, Director German Velasquez of the GCF, and Mr. Chung In-bo, the CEO of SK Forest.
At the session, Minister Byeong-am CHOI emphasized the importance of partnering between public and private sector, and advanced and developing countries, to tackle the global climate crisis together. He introduced a P4G Partnership Start-up Project named ‘Agroforestry for People, Peace, and Prosperity,’ of which the governments, public and private sector of both Korea and Ethiopia collaborate to restore the forest ecosystem and build a traditional style shade-grown coffee farm. He also extended his invitation to the 15th World Forestry Congress to be co-hosted by the KFS and the FAO next year.
Click the URL below to watch the Special Breakout Session on Forests of the P4G Seoul Summit 2021.