Key to climate change found in Indonesia

DATE : 2010-03-23

HITS : 3443

Key to climate change found in Indonesia

International Symposium on A/R CDM and REDD to be held on 24 March

The Korea Forest Service(Minister, Chung Kwang-soo) and KOICA(Executive Director, Park Dae Won) are to jointly host the international symposium featuring on ''the task and prospect of joint cooperative project for climate change of forest sector between the ROK and Indonesia'' at the conference hall of COEX, Seoul with forest experts from overseas and home on 24th of March.

The international symposium will consist of the sessions in two areas; small-scale A/R CDM and REDD, with many experts from home as well as overseas, such as Indonesia, India, China and Canada.

※ 1. A/R CDM: Afforestation/Reforestation Clean Development Mechanism

2. REDD: Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation

Prominent experts in the forest sector of climate change are invited to the symposium as speakers including Dr. Promode Kant from India and Prof. Yanzhen Gong of China, who were the first to register A/R CDM project to UN, Dr. Wandojo Siswanto, committee member of Indonesia''s CDM DNA(Designated National Authority), Dr. Tachrir Fathoni, Director General of FORDA(Forest Research and Development Agency) of Ministry of Forestry which handles the national strategy for preventing deforestation in Indonesia, Dr. Nur Masripatin, Head of Socio-Economy and Policy of FORDA, Prof. Rizaldi Boer, one of the recipients of the Award of the Nobel Peace Prize for 2007 of the IPCC, and Dr. Baek Gwang Yeol, advisor of Eco Securities, the global consultant corporation regarding climate change.

Additionally, Mr. Jeong Rae-Gwon, Ambassador for climate change of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Prof. Kim Sung Il(Seoul National University, Presidential Committee Member of Green Growth Committee), Prof. Yoon Yeo Chang(Seoul National University) who has promoted the A/R CDM Projects for the first time in Korea, and Prof. Son Yo Hwan(Korea University) are attending the symposium.

Minister Chung Kwang-Soo of KFS has mentioned that “this international symposium will be one precious opportunity in finding new areas of cooperation including REDD, while assessing the on-going afforestation project the Korean government has been promoting in Indonesia in order to secure carbon credits”.

Meanwhile, Mr. Lee Gyu Tae, Project Manager of KOICA(Director from Korea Forest Service) for the Joint Project for Adaptation and Mitigation of Climate Change in Forestry which is pursuing the first government-led A/R CDM plantation in Lombok, emphasized that "strengthening the forestry cooperation with Indonesia is the key for resolving the climate change issue in Korea".


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