Korea and Kyrgyzstan Sign Memorandum of Understanding on Forestry Cooperation to Combat Climate Change

DATE : 2024-12-04

HITS : 354

Korea and Kyrgyzstan Sign Memorandum of Understanding on Forestry Cooperation to Combat Climate Change 이미지1

The Korea Forest Service (KFS) announced on December 3 the successful conclusion of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on forestry cooperation between the Republic of Korea and the Kyrgyz Republic. The MOU was signed by Dr. LIM Sang-seop, Minister of the KFS, and Mr. Boobek Azhikeev, Minister of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (MoES) of Kyrgyzstan, in the presence of the Presidents of both countries in the Presidential Office.

Kyrgyzstan has faced increasing challenges from deforestation and forest fires exacerbated by dry weather and overgrazing, highlighting the urgent need for international cooperation in forestry.

Responding to these challenges, the KFS plans to share its advanced forestry expertise with Kyrgyzstan by expanding collaborative efforts in forest restoration, seed conservation, and capacity building.

Mr. Boobek Azhikeev, Minister of the MoES, expressed his optimism about the agreement, stating, “We share a common goal with Korea in protecting forests and promoting sustainable forest management. We look forward to working closely together to achieve this.”

Dr. LIM Sang-seop, Minister of the Korea Forest Service, highlighted the significance of the cooperation, remarking, “This MOU reflects our strong commitment to deepening bilateral relations and addressing the climate crisis. Together with the Kyrgyz Republic, we will explore innovative approaches to global forestry challenges, ensuring a healthier environment for future generations.”

  • 사진1. 한-키르기스스탄 산림협력 양해각서 채결.jpg [6.1 MB] 첨부파일 다운로드
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