KFS Develops New Variety of Big Chestnut...Its Yield 1.6 Times More

DATE : 2005-09-22

HITS : 733

KFS Develops New Variety of Big Chestnut...Its Yield 1.6 Times More

A new variety of chestnut of the biggest size in South Korea was developed. The new variety, "Daehan", of which average weight is 30g weighs 1.5 times and yields 1.6 times more than an introduced variety from Japan, Yuma, being raised in the country, said Seo Seung-jin, head of Korea Forest Research Institute of Korea Forest Service on September 15.

The variety, following filing of a patent application this year, will be distributed to chestnut-cultivating farm households through such procedure as public sale starting from 2007.

As far as the development of the new variety is concerned, the country, since 1980, has conducted an artificial cross-breeding of "Dantaek" and "Angeun", and selected scarce, ultrasuperior individual variety. After wrapping up the development last year, an analysis on this year's crop of the new variety compared to that of the existing one was disclosed.

"Daehan", harvested around mid-September, has plenty of branches, being strongly resistent to damages by disease and pest insects, such as chestnut gall wasp.

According to Korea Forest Research Institute, since its surface is level and glossy, and its size is the biggest of the varieties cultivated in the nation, it is best suited for either peeled or processed chestnut products.

An official in Korea Forest Research Institute said, "it could replace alien varieties with variety protection systems being reinforced internationally, helping boosting farm household revenues, as well as contributing greatly to enhancing international competitiveness.

Translated by International Cooperation Division

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