Northern Mountain Cranberries Found in Korea

DATE : 2005-01-31

HITS : 1049

Northern Mountain Cranberries Found in Korea 이미지1

Northern Mountain Cranberries Found in Korea

Korea Forest Research Institute has found new alive stocks of northern mountain cranberries in Hongcheon-gun Ganwon-do(province). The northern mountain cranberries are rare endangered species and were mostly distributed in northern parts of temperate forests including Seoraksan of South Korea and highlands of North Korea.

The northern mountain cranberries(Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.) are distributed in northern hemisphere including Korea, Japan, China, and Amur area over northern parts of temperate forest and boreal forests. The grow between rocks occurring in high latitude, acidic humid forest. They are evergreen dwarf shrub that usually grow to 8-20cm. The bottom part of the stem trail underground and set roots.
The leaves are oval shaped, about 6-19mm long. They are relatively thick and firm. The flowers bloom in June with 8-12 flowers in cluster. The berries are reddish in color and have diameter of 7mm. They have strong sour taste yet sweet that they are edible or soaked in alcoholic drinks. The leaves are used as herbs.
In Korea, the mountain cranberries are distributed in the northern part of the temperate forests including Seoraksan. However, the recent find is located in a foot of the mountain in Honcheon-gun. The elevation is relatively low and it is so far the southmost habitat for the berries. However, the location has a relatively low temperature due to the cold air coming between the rocks.
Accordingly, the berries existed through out Korea during the ice age and as the temperature rose in the end of the ice age, the berries disappeared except in some parts of Seoraksan.
The relict population of the northern mountain berries found recently is known to be located in the southmost habitat and some intensive investigation will be conducted for conservation.

Translated by Int'l Cooperation Division
☎ +82-42-481-4081 (Ms. Lee, Mira)

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