DATE : 2005-03-22

HITS : 809

International Cooperation on Sustainable Forest Management
Rome, Italy, 14 March 2005

Over 250 Ministers, country delegates and representatives from intergovernmental organizations and nongovernmental organizations met in advance of the seventeenth session of the FAO Committee on Forestry at FAO headquarters in Rome, Italy to discuss international cooperation on forest fire management and international support for sustainable forest management.

Korea Forest Service Deputy Chief Mr. Lee Soo-hwa attended this meeting as the head delegate for Korea. He made a statement during this meeting focusing on growing concern for Pine Wilt Disease(Pine Nematode) in the country. The statement was able to bring awareness among the international community and this was the first to have Korea's policy to be reflected in international guidelines.

He stressed that Pine Wilt Disease hinders export of domestic wood products and also that it is urgent to share information and save our environment. He added that it was meaningful to have provided outline for international action on severity of pest and disease problems.

At the end of the day, delegates adopted a Ministerial Statement in which the ministers recommit their countries to, inter alia, improving forest management and intersectoral cooperation. It also includes commitment on invasive species such as Pine Wilt Disease and the need for international cooperation: "recognizing that invasive species are having an increasing impact on forests in some regions and the need to have cooperative regional and international responses to this problem." Number of other commitments in policy areas relating to forest law enforcement and governance, forest fire management and reporting were included as well. The statement also calls on the FAO to, inter alia: enhance cooperation on forest fire management; develop studies (upon request) in the design of projects on payment for environmental service; and provide inputs to the fifth session of the United Nations Forum on Forests.

The Ministerial Meeting on Forests was Co-Chaired by Elliot Moorely, Minister of Environment (UK) and Carlos Manuel Rodriguez Echandi, Minister of Environment and Energy (Costa Rica).

CLICK HERE to see the full coverage on the Ministerial Meeting.
CLICK HERE to see the Ministerial Statement.

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