APEC Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Forestry

DATE : 2017-11-07

HITS : 3343

APEC Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Forestry 이미지1

(Prime Minister Lee Nak-Yon of the Republic of Korea (1st row, 6th from left) delivered his Congratulatory Remarks at the Opening Ceremony of the Meeting)

4th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Forestry (MMRF4)

30 Oct ~ 1 Nov 2017, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Hosted by the Korea Forest Service, the 4th APEC Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Forestry (MMRF4) was convened in Seoul from 30 October to 1 November 2017. A field trip was organized on the last day. The MMRF4 welcomed a total of 65 delegates from 18 APEC economies as well as keynote speakers from the APEC Secretariat, APFNet, FAO, ITTO and UNFF.

Recognizing the important role that forests play in today’s world, this Meeting focused on two key agenda items - Efforts to Increase Forest Cover in the APEC Region in line with the APEC 2020 Forest Cover Goal (Session 1) and Cooperation to Combat Illegal Logging and Associated Trade (Session 2). Two Special Sessions on ‘Forest-based Job Creation’ and ‘Ecotourism and Forest Welfare’ were also convened to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and best practices on related forest policies. The last session of the Meeting, Session 3, concluded with almost all economies delivering statements on the role of forestry in the future. 

The Seoul Statement of the MMRF4was adopted on 31 October 2017, and the statement is publicly accessible via the official website of the APEC Secretariat. The Summary Record (attached) and the meeting documents can be found at the APEC Secretariat's Meeting Document Database.

The Korea Forest Service would like to express our appreciation to all delegates for their active participation throughout the Meeting, and we look forward to strengthening cooperation with other economies to achieve our regional and global forestry objectives together.

[UPDATE - as of 2017.11.21]
Following the APEC Ministerial Meeting in Da Nang (6-11 Nov), Viet Nam, Leaders from the 21 APEC member economies issued the '2017 APEC MINISTERIAL MEETING - Joint Ministerial Statement' and the 'Da Nang Declaration', both of which highlight the importance of fostering cooperation on the sustainable use and integrated management of forest resources.

Related news/links:
[2017.10.30] PM vows to share S. Korea's experience in forest restoration
[2017.10.30] South Korean Prime Minister vows to share forest restoration know-how following Korean War
 Forestry ministers highlight measures for illegal logging, job creation at APEC forum
[2017.11.01] Ministers Seed Sustainable Forest Product Trade (APEC Secretariat News Release)
[2017.11.02] APEC moves to save forests 
[Korea Forest Service] Photo News
[Prime Minister's Secretariat] Photo News 

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  • 17_ftmm_summary.pdf [87.1 KB] 첨부파일 다운로드
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